The Asset Management screen helps customers easily track everything about their assets from overview to detail, and the charts will help customers have a more intuitive view of how to allocate capital.

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  • Total Net Assets: Includes the Net Asset value of sub-accounts.
  • Fluctuation increased/decreased compared to the previous day.
  • Customers can click the button ᐯ To expand, see the Total Net Assets section from the previous day.

1. Chart:

  • The pie chart shows the assets of the sub-accounts.
  • Column chart showing profit and loss of sub-accounts.
    • Underlying account: blue
    • Derivative account: yellow
    • Margin account: dark green

2. Payment

Thay Nữa B5 B6

Step 1: On the Assets screen -> Click the Deposit button 

Step 2: Show ways for customers to deposit money from the bank into a securities account:

  • Underlying account

- Method 1: Fast transfer
- Method 2: Regular transfer

  • Derivatives account

- Deposit through bank into derivative trading account

Note: In the "Sub-account", "Account number", "Money transfer content", customers can quickly select the "copy" icon to quickly copy the content

3. Investment history

Step 1: Select the icon marked in red below

Step 2: Display Investment History screen:

    • The Net Asset Value (NAV) chart shows the fluctuation of the customer's assets according to statistics according to 1W, 1M, 3M, 6M, 1Y.
    • The Investment Performance chart shows performance fluctuations (in %) during the customer's investment process, statistically according to 1W, 1M, 3M, 6M, 1Y.
Step 3: To see detailed fluctuation information at each time, click on any point on the chart
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Step 4: If you want to change to another sub-account to view the above 2 types of charts, you can select the arrow next to the sub account you are viewing.

4. Details of assets and categories of sub-accounts

Underlying and Margin Sub-Clause
  • Assets tab
  • Net assets include:
    • Total Asset Value
    • Total Debt Interest Fees
    • Margin Information
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Note: customer can be expanded by clicking the button ᐯ in each section to see more detailed items.

  • Watch list tab
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  • On this screen, the current portfolio value and temporary profit and loss are displayed to help customers observe the overall value of the portfolio.
  • The current stock portfolio is shown as follows: 
    • Stock code
    • Trading volume
    • Total volume
    • Market price
    • Average price
    • Profit and loss fluctuation, fluctuation in % (blue: increase, red: decrease, yellow: reference)
  • Customers can swipe through for quick transactions
Thay Tiếng Việt Thay Tiếng Việt 2
  • To hide some information in the category value, customers click on the sharing icon slash.
  • Customers can share their portfolio by clicking on the sharing icon in the upper right corner.
  • When customers select a code in the list, that code will expand with additional details about:
    • Market value
    • Capital value, Waiting for T0
    • Wait for T1 return
    • Waiting for T2
    • Volume of mortgaged securities
    • Volume of blocked securities
    • Right to wait for return 
  • When clicking the "View" button, the customer is taken to the detailed screen of that stock.
  • When clicking the "Trade" button, the customer goes to the order placement screen for that stock.
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Derivatives Subclause

  • Assets tab

Net assets include:

    • Valid property value
    • Profit and loss of positions during the day
    • Other information

Note: Customer can by clicking the button ᐯ in each section to see more detailed items.

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  • Watch list tab
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  • On this screen, customers can easily monitor the profit and loss amounts of closed and open positions
  • By default, the list of positions of open Customer contracts is displayed:
    • Contract Code
    • Long or Short position
    • Number of contracts
    • Market price
    • Average prices
    • Profit/loss value
  • When you select the Close Tab, you can see:
    • Contract Code
    • Number of contracts
    • Capital price 
    • Closing price
    • Profit and loss value
  • In Open positions, to Close the contract or Reverse the contract, follow these steps:

Close the contract is the process of completely canceling an existing position

  • Step 1: Select the required contract close
  • Step 2: Select Close contract
  • Step 3: Enter the price and quantity to pay
  • Step 4: Select Confirm to close the contract or select Cancel to cancel closing the contract.
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Reverse the contract is the process of closing old contract positions and opening new contract positions

  • Step 1: Select the contract to reverse
  • Step 2: Select “Reverse position”
  • Step 3: Enter the contract price
  • Step 4: Select Confirm to reverse the contract or select Cancel to cancel the contract.
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Note: During the Contract Reversal process, the entire number of current contracts will be reversed.