Market information (Market view)

Market information helps customers have an overview of the current market based on indices, increasing and decreasing fluctuations during the session as well as tracking stocks, industry groups and related news. 
Select the “Market Information” tab on the navigation bar to access.

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1. Market index

- Step 1: On the Market screen displays market indexes including: VNINDEX, VN30, HNX, HNX30, UPCOM

- Step 2: Clicking on the indicators will display details of that indicator 

  • Index score
  • Change in points, in %
  • Line chart over time: 1D, 5D, 1M, 3M, 1Y, 5Y
  • Trading session status, ceiling, floor, reference, increase, decrease price
  • Transaction value, transaction volume during the day

Note: Customers can expand the line chart to see more details with many other functions such as tools, indicators, volume,...

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Including: Stocks, Derivatives, ETFs, Warrants. Bonds, Put through
To view the price list types, click on the corresponding information section. 

  • Step 1: “Market” screen → Price list 
  • Step 2: Select "Stocks" → A stock price list appears with information such as: Stock code, volume, price, change, stock search
  • Step 3: On this screen, customer can choose to sort by:

- Market: HOSE, VN30, HNX, HNX30, UPCOM.
- Criteria: Stock name (Sort A-Z or Z-A), Trading Volume (Sort high-low or low-high), Stock price (High-low or low-high), Change (price difference fluctuation in session from high-low or low-high), % Change (% difference from high-low or low-high)

  • Step 4: Search for stocks by stock code
    Note: When customers type each letter, the feature will suggest the letters in that stock code

Note: Stock price list is similar to Derivatives, ETF, Covered Warrant, Bond, and Put through price lists.

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In the Top stocks section, the default display is 5 stocks of the day based on additional filtered criteria including information: company logo, stock code, company name, stock price, % change, criteria.
Customers can filter by:

  • Exchanges: HOSE, HNX, UPCOM
  • Criteria: Trading volume, Transaction value, % Increase, % Decrease
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Selecting the > icon will display an additional list of 20 stocks according to filtered criteria including:

  • Exchanges: HOSE, HNX, UPCOM
  • Criteria: Trading volume, Transaction value, % Increase, % Decrease
  • Time: Today, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
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4. Value of foreign transactions

Displaying Top 5 most bought stocks, Top 5 most sold stocks of the day based on filtered criteria including:

  • Exchanges: HOSE, HNX, UPCOM
  • Criteria: Top net buy/sell, Top buy/sell
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Clicking on the icon > will display 20 more stocks showing full information: company logo, company name, stock price, % change, net buy/sell value, trade value and filter fields information according to:

  • Exchanges: HOSE, HNX, UPCOM
  • Criteria: Top net buying, net selling, buying, selling

5. Industry fluctuations by transaction value

In this feature, customers can monitor fluctuations in industry groups in heatmap format based on % change during the day.

When clicking on any industry on the heatmap, tooltips about that industry information will be displayed with the following content:

  • Industry name
  • Transaction value
  • Trading volume

Color regulation

  • % change increase: blue
  • % change decrease: red
  • % unchanged: yellow

6. News

Follow updates related to the market and Phu Hung Securities:

  • Step 1: The News function will be divided into 2 tabs: Market News, Phu Hung News.
  • Step 2: When clicking on the > icon, more recent news will be displayed and you can choose to switch between the Market News and Phu Hung News tabs.
  • Step 3: Select any news, the screen will display full details of that news's content.
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Step 4: For news with stock codes, there will be a Stock Code tag attached to the news section. Customers can click on the code to place an order.

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