1/ Advance dividend money

This feature only applies to customers with a deposit account.

If you do not have a deposit sub-account, you can request to open a sub-account by pressing the button Open sub-account.


1.1 Advance

At tag Advance, customers wishing to receive advance dividend payments please follow these instructions:

Step 1: At the “Advance” tab

  • Display screen town information:

+ Amount balance

+ Total Pending Dividend 

+ Total Maximum Advance Amount

  • Stock code that customers can make cash advances with the following information:
    + Payment Date

+ Pending Dividend

+ Maximum Advance Amount

Img 5284

Step 2: Customers can choose to advance dividends in 2 ways:

Method 1: Click on the details of each stock code and Enter the amount need the response of that code and then press the Confirm button

Method 2: Apply all or multiple codes by clicking the “Advance payment of dividends”  button located at the bottom of the screen

 → Click on the box next to each stock to select that stock, Enter the amount need to respond then press the Confirm button

Img 5285 Img 5284 Img 5287 Img 5289
Step 3: Display Trading result, Transaction status with previously entered customer information Img 5288

1.2 Pay Debt

At tab Pay debt, customers who need to pay dividends please follow the instructions:

Step 1: The screen displays information:

  • Amount Balance
  • Total Advanced Amount
Contract number (already matched with information: Advance Date, Advance amount)
Thay Cho Thắng Nữa

Step 2: Customers can choose to pay in 2 methods:

Method 1: Click on the details of each contract code and Enter the amount need to pay then press the Confirm button

Method 2: Pay the entire contract or multiple contracts by clicking on the “Payment of advance payment” button located at the bottom of screen → Click on the box next to each contract to select that contract, Enter the amount need to pay then press the Confirm button
Img 5291 Img 5290 Img 5292 Img 5293
Step 3: Display Trading Result, Transaction status with previously entered customer information → Customer press the Close button Img 5294

2/ Request to change credit limit

This feature only applies to customers who have a deposit account.

If you do not have a deposit sub-account, you can request to open a sub-account by pressing the button Open sub-account
Img 5277

For customers who need to adjust their loan limit, please follow these instructions:

Step 1: The interface screen displays requirements for customers to enter/select information:

  • By default, Margin account 
  • By default, Maximum Credit Line is displayed 
  • Enter Requested MR Credit Line: Customer enters integer
  • Enter Requested DP Credit Line: Customer enters integer

→ The customer clicks on the box "I have read and agree to the terms and condition of symbol trading at HD open symbol trading account of PHS here” & press the Submit button 

*Note about Credit Line Request: If you leave the Credit Line Request blank, it will be understood that the current limit remains unchanged.
Img 5278 Img 5279 Img 5280

Step 2: Go to this step:

(1) If the customer's device is a trusted device and has registered for Smart OTP → Import PIN OTP code

(2) If the customer's device is trusted and has not registered Smart OTP → Enter SMS

(3) If the customer's device is an untrusted device → Enter Smart OTP code

Step 3: After entering the code in the above step, the screen displays the Update credit notification, customers click to select View history to review limit change requests or press the Next button to return to the main screen of the Request to change credit limit feature

Customers can choose Cancel for requests that are in status “Waiting

Otp2 Otp3 Otp Img 5282 Img 5283

3/ Request for cash advance

Customers wishes to advance the proceeds from selling securities follow the instructions:

Step 1: In Account section, select Sub-account Margin or Normal

Step 2: After selecting the sub-account, the customer enters the amount to advance in the box Advance Amount

If the amount exceeds the maximum received amount, the screen will display a reminder message. After entering the advance amount, customers press the Submit button.

Customers should note:

  • The time to place an advance order starts from 8:00 to 17:00
Img 5319 Img 5320 Img 5321

Step 3: 

- Customers review the request for advance payment in section History - List of advance payment requests including information: Advance Date, Clearance Date, Status (Waiting for approval/Confirmed) 

- Customers can also select buttons Filter in the upper left corner of the History interface to filter request for cash advance by: 

+ Account: normal/margin

+ Status: All/Pending/Approved/ Confirmed/ Canceled

+ Time: 7 days/30 days/Select

 → Then press the Apply button to complete the filter or press the Reset button to reset the filter
Img 5322 Img 5323 Img 5324

4/ Register/ Cancel PIA online service

Customers who need to register or cancel automatic cash advance follow these instructions:

Customers can choose Register or Cancel PIA online service automatically in 2 methods: Manually or Automatically 

Please read the notes on the application carefully before choosing.

After pressing the Manually or Automatically button → The App will display a notification to confirm → Press Close to complete the request.
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5/ Extend/ Settle loan

5.1 Renewal

This feature only applies to customers using a deposit account 

If there is no deposit sub-account, the customer can request to open a sub-account by pressing the Open sub-account button

Customers who wish to extend each loan please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Select Renewal Tab → Press the Renewal of loan button 

Note: Customers can extend each loan

Step 2: Select the renewal package by pressing the selection button to the right of each renewal package → Press the Confirm button

*Note: Each loan can only be extended once

Step 3: Display renewal results: Time, Status, Loan code, New due date, Renewal fee (if any), Total renewal fee.
Img 5312 Img 5314 Img 5313

Step 4: On the screen displaying the renewal results, customers can:

- Select ContinueConfirm extend

- Select View history to review used renewal history → Display loan list.

- Customers can also select Filter button  in the upper left corner of the interface History to optionally display the history list by:

+ Account: normal/margin

+ Transaction type: Settlement/Renewal

+ Time: 7 days/30 days/Select

 → Then press the Apply button  to complete the filter or press the button Reset to reset the filter
Img 5316 Img 5315 Img 5317 Img 5318

5.2 Settlement

Customers who wish to settle each loan please follow the following instructions:

Step 1: Select Settlement Tag → Press the Settlement of loan button

*Note:  Customers can pay off each loan
Step 2: Select the payment package by pressing the selection button to the right of each package, Enter the amount want to settle → Press the Confirm button Step 3: Display Transaction Result: Time, Status, Loan code, Total repayment amount.
Img 5304 Img 5306 Img 5305 Img 5309

Step 4: On the screen displaying the renewal results, customers can

- Select Next Confirm settlement

- Select View history to review settlement history → Display settlement list.

- Customers can also select Filter button  in the upper left corner of the interface History to optionally display the history list by:

+ Account: normal/margin

+ Transaction type: Settlement/Renewal

+ Time: 7 days/30 days/Select

 → Then press the Apply button to complete the filter or press the Reset button to reset the filter
Img 5310 Img 5311

6/ Register/ Cancel automatic deposit withdrawal

Customers who need to Register or Cancel automatic deposit withdrawal follow these instructions:

The screen displays 2 options and Note for customers:

  • Automatically deposit money from the securities account to the clearing account (VSD)
  • Automatically withdraw money from the clearing account (VSD) to the securities account

Customers select Automatically deposit money from the securities account to the clearing account (VSD) → Pop-up notification appears Successfully registered

Customers deselect Automatically deposit money from the securities account to the clearing account (VSD) → Pop-up notification appears Successfully canceled the utility

Customers select Automatically withdraw money from the clearing account (VSD) to the securities account → Pop-up notification Successfully registered

Customers deselect Automatically withdraw money from the clearing account (VSD) to the securities account → Pop-up notification Successfully canceled the utility

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