With a modern, fast, safe and secure trading software system, our team of brokers who are professional, well-trained and equipped with in-depth knowledge and good professional ethics, the securities brokerage service at PHS will bring customers much success in securities buying/selling transactions.

PHS provides Brokerage Services & Securities Trading, including:

  1. Opening trading accounts for domestic individuals / institutions
  2. Opening trading accounts for foreign individuals / institutions
  3. Securities trading modes are included:
    • Placing orders at trading floors.
    • Internet Transaction (E-stock trading)
    • Telephone Transaction (T-stock trading) 
    • Mobile Transaction (M-stock trading)

Benefits of PHS’s securities brokerage:

  • Free account opening and account management;
  • Personal care and direct consultation from experienced brokers, providing extensive, reliable, and timely information on the economy, stock market, and the client’s portfolio to optimize investment value;
  • Research reports and investment recommendations provided on an individual request basis from our leading research center in Vietnam;
  • Participation in conferences and seminars with leading Vietnamese economic experts;
  • 24/7 market updates;
  • Benefits and discounts on trading fees and competitive financial services as a VIP client of PHS;
  • Excellent trading utilities provided by our advanced technology platform.