• Detail information:





Interest rate

- Interest-free for the first 3 working days from disbursement date (*)

- 14.6%/year from day 4th

- 7.9%/year for the first 6 working days from disbursement date (*)

- 14.79%/year from day 7th

- 9.9%/year for the first 9 working days from disbursement date (*)

- 13.9%/year from day 10th

Margin limit

No limit

Applicable to

All customers using margin services at PHS

Loan type

Newly disbursed loans during promotion

Loan terms

90 days (not allowed to extend)

Overdue interest rate

150% of due interest rate

PIA fees

Based on PHS current policy ~13.5%/year

 (*) The preferential period may be longer in reality because PHS does not count weekends and holidays.


- Customers can only participate in 01 interest rate incentive product at the same time.

- Customers can cancel and register for another T+ product 01 time during the promotion period.

- Customers can only participate in 01 promotion package at a time.
- Customers can not re-register after canceling any packages.

  • Illustration of interest calculating principle:

T1 is defined as the day customers placed buying orders that disburse outstanding.


P3 Package



P6 Package




  • Registration/Cancellation:

Please contact your Sales Consultant or PHS Customer Care Center (Hotline: 1900 25 23 58 - Email: support@phs.vn for advice and assistance on registering/canceling package T+.