For the HSX/HNX exchange, the reference price is the closing price of the previous most recent trading day, that is, the strike price of the last order matching session of the previous trading day. The reference price is also the basis for calculating the highest price (ceiling price) and lowest price (floor price) in that trading day.
If you have participated in the stock market or are about to invest in this market, you must have heard phrases such as HNX-Index, HNX, HNX-Index, etc. So HNX-Index. - What is Index ? How does this indicator reflect the economic situation? What does it mean and how is it calculated? Please follow the sharing below of PHS to better understand.
UPCOM-Index is a basic but very important term that any investor when participating in the stock market must know. Understanding the UPCOM-Index will help you get a lot of information about stock investment in Vietnam. Let's explore this index right now with PHS.
When investing in stocks, we often hear about two concepts "Bull Market" and "Bear Market" in technical analysis articles. So what is the concept of “bull market” and “bear market” and why do these two markets occur? In this article, PHS will give some analysis for you to better understand.
The Price to Earning Ratio (PE) is an index that measures the relationship between a stock's market price (Price) and earnings per share (EPS).
Securities is a form of evidence confirming the legal ownership of that owner with the assets or capital of the issuing company or organization. Specifically, a share represents the legal ownership of a business. Corporations will issue shares (common stock and preferred stock).